Psychotherapy, Coaching and Consultanting, LLC
Licensed Psychotherapist, Counselor,
Author, Workshop Leader, Speaker

A 7 Step Formula Series
It's a Trap: Your Escape to Freedom
What I'm about to reveal to you is the greatest illusion of all time. An illusion so captivating, so compelling, so believable that it seems real. So real that you believe it is real. And once it becomes real for you it can ensnare you like an insect trapped in a spider's web, you can see no way out and it becomes a prison, a prison from which there appears to be no escape. It's a trap, and this 7 Step Formula shows you how to Escape to Freedom!
Step 1 is free
Now only $40.00 for each video
Register for Your 7SF Session Below or Get the Complete* Series
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a Free Copy of Ed's Book:
Escape from Insanity Illusions and Lies
The 7SF series includes free gifts throughout
to enhance your experience and help you get the most from each session
- all in the privacy of your own home.
Only $40.00 for each of the 7 Step Formula Series - Buy all 7 for $280.00 to get a free copy of Ed's book:
Escape from Insanity Illusions and Lies
Complete 7SF Series
plus Ed's book:
Escape Insanity Illusions and Lies
Based on Ed Green's book
Insanity Illusions and Lies
Click to Purchase & Play video
A 7 Step Formula Series
Step 1: Recognizing Your Trap
Includes FREE Socratic Tool
Based on Ed Green's book
Insanity Illusions and Lies