How are you couples doing through this home confinement imposed by the Coronavirus? Has it been conflict and tension free? If it has, congratulations. For other of you, this time may be more challenging. Little things that didn't seem to matter much may now be a source of irritation, disagreement and conflict during this extended period of being confined with the one you love. You love your partner but, being with one another constantly, having no place you can go, can make finding solutions, agreements and resolutions harder to come by as confinement continues. Even when this lockdown is over unwanted communication patterns can persist and be difficult to interrupt. Tough things that've come up will be easier to avoid once our freedom of movement is restored, but can still have undesired affects on your relationship as time goes on. Things just won't go back to the way they were and you probably wouldn't want them to if they can be better. Let us help your cocooning relationship emerge into something beautiful, deeper and more satisfying after all this passes.
Come join us for The 5 Love Languages Day Retreat for Couples, sponsored by Unity of Houston Couple's Ministry.
It be will be held at the Beautiful Bernhardt Winery, located in Plantersville, Texas
https://www.bernhardtwinery.com/. Cindy Cline and Ed Green, LCSW will facilitate this powerful and fun day retreat for couples.
What a great opportunity to not only learn about the 5 Love Languages, but learn other skills and gain insights to help your relationship mend and grow and be better than ever.
To learn more and go to Unity Houston website and register now, Space will be limited so reserve your space now https://unityhouston.org/event/couples-retreat-featuring-the-5-love-languages/
In the event the retreat is cancelled due to coronavirus restrictions you can receive a full refund.